You’ll go to lots of places. Your path will cross with lots of new people. You will choose adventures to take and people to walk together. You will see people let you down, people steal from you and people hurt you. You will see people enlighten your way on a dark crossroads.

There are things you can’t change but you will keep pushing and end up with disappointment. Although you can’t know if you can change the world, there will be things you can change, but years will make you lose your excitement. Your age is not the thing makes you old, your ambitions and feelings are —at least until an age. Be aware of your gifts, as well as your capacity.

There will be times life will hit you hard in the face. The life itself is fragile and whatever mistake you do, it will be okay. There will be times you will need to cry and it is likely that there will be no one over there for you. Get used to be alone.

Maybe you can’t put stars on the sky, but before it is too late be aware of the fact that everything has an end. No matter what how many battles you lost, how many you won, it will end.

Create, love and live —every single day.

—Your younger self, 2012.