I recently discovered rakyll’s new Go library magicmime on GitHub. In simple words, this library provides MIME type detection for files or buffers in Go. For example, if you have a file uploaded to your application, you might want to figure out its MIME type (e.g. if it is an image or a video file). This project is a demo of how to do C bindings in Go: It uses libmagic(3) to make calls directly to this native library. You might want to go ahead and check the source code, it is rather easy to read. Here is an example though:

import "github.com/rakyll/magicmime"

mime, _ := magicmime.TypeByFile("files/some.jpg")
// mime will be "image/jpeg" here

A real-world use of this I can think of could be setting mime types of blobs uploaded to cloud storage services. For example, current version of Windows Azure Client Library for Go does not implement auto-detection of mime types and Azure API defaults to saving blobs as application/octet-stream, which leads to weird issues e.g downloading images as files instead of viewing them in browsers. This can be fixed using magicmime.

I got a tiny commit in this project, hopefully you’ll see me contributing to more [1] [2] Go projects and come up with new ones.