Yesterday Microsoft launched a new product under Azure services: Azure Mobile. It is a cloud backend for mobile apps. This is a huge leap forward in Microsoft developer tools and cloud+mobile iteration in the company. Maybe someday, it will be language-independent and have SDKs for iOS, Android, Windows Phone. It is just like So things are getting crazy at backend-as-a-service (BaaS) market.
But is it always viable to use a BaaS for your app or startup? What are pros ad cons?
Well, that depends on the scale you’re aiming for.
If you are aiming to be a mobile startup that is going to be around in the market for a few months or at most one and a half years, then BaaS is a good option. The main reason is, you don’t want to buy a Linux VPS, write backend code (in Ruby, Python, Java whatever), don’t want do choose a DB (mysql, pgsql, mongo etc) and don’t want to configure a permanent domain and URLs for your communication endpoints.
These are considerably messy tasks. Most of the backend-as-a-service providers promote several points on their homepages:
If you would evaluate these features in terms of your needs, you’ll see that they are aimed mostly for small-scale apps. No serious apps rely on BaaS providers and probably they won’t in the near future. Even the security and privacy of services like EC2 (and therefore Dropbox) are questionable these days, so you wouldn’t expect large-scale apps to rely on some middleware service. If you are doing serious mobile development, then you won’t need BaaS mobile SDK and don’t need rapid prototyping etc. Read More →
Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 are coming out this fall. Many developers are rushing into Windows 8 apps development. It seems like a gold mine, a big market for developers with hundreds of millions of PCs are going to install W8.
Is that really the case? Should iOS/Android developers rush to this new platform. At this point app developers may ask these three questions:
No doubt, in one or two years, there will be hundreds of millions of W8 PCs and tablets on the market. This is a huge potential Microsoft achieved a decade ago. And no doubt, it will be much successful than Windows Phone 7. Read More →